Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 9 - Tetris Implementation the SNAFU

During that week, we were assigned our designated tasks in trying to implement the systems for Tetris. My team was able to do our part correctly. I helped them out if they had any questions about XNA since I was the only one in my team who has a very extensive knowledge of it. However during the entire process, there wasn't really any other form of communication from the other teams on Piazza. There was some but it was very little. I was asked about what progress my team was making and I said that we were doing fine albeit I got very sick over the weekend during the crucial part of the implementation. However, I was able to pull through and get our stuff implemented and merged. However, there was a very big problem when I started playing the game on the very last day when we began to merge our code. Some of the crucial systems such as rotation and making the game go to the lose screen once the blocks have reached the top was not implemented. I don't know how the other team's collision code worked so I could not really help them out in implementing it. I guess it was the way I was raised I guess. I was very shy and quiet person growing up. There was a major communication SNAFU. I am also part of the problem for not speaking out about it. We did not really have an overall leader as to make sure people from each team got their things done on time. Hence, some of the major systems did not get implemented and personal emergencies that one person had to take care of. In the end, when we showed our game during class, we got chewed again by Ed about the lack of communication issues. I am starting to have a feeling that the way Ed formed the teams was that he grouped the very talkative types on one side and the quiet types on another side. We now have a better road map on how to get our systems working again.

Week 8 - The Tetris Planning

During that week, we collaborated with two other teams into implementing the video game Tetris using Microsoft's XNA Framework. We had a first big team meeting discussing what systems we need for the game. It was decided that it would be a first come first serve basis as to what teams can choose what systems of the game to implement. I was fortunate enough to pick out the easy stuff. However, I think that was not such a good idea. It turned into making one team do all of the hard and dirty work, which from a practical standpoint a very bad idea. When class time came to discuss our plan, Ed chewed us out pretty well about the very big holes we have in our plan and design. However, by the last half of class, Ed gave us time to collaborate with out team members to hash out an even better and more organized plan. That, I think was the whole lot better than what we had before. Let us see what will happen once we put our plan into motion. My team had to do the game screen manager (main menu, pause menu, and lose screen).